Site icon Rhinoceros Dreams

What have you got?

Little girl looking into a box

Looking in the box

“It’s not about getting what you want, it’s about wanting what you’ve got.”

These are the lyrics in a song I was listening to on the way to work this morning, and it said so much to me. There is so much negativity in the world that is directly caused by people’s unhappiness at not getting what they want. I’m no exception. I spend so much time wanting something else, something more, or even just ‘something’ at all, that I lose sight of what I’ve already got. I’m often telling my kids that if they always ask for something different, they may lose what they have and end up with nothing. I think I need to listen to my own words of wisdom more often.

I want my fabulous green apple car.
I want my wonderful, crazy, loving, chaotic family.
I want my gratifying and enjoyable job.What have you got that you want?

[spotifyplaybutton play=”spotify:track:215JYyyUnrJ98NK3KEwu6d”/]

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